What is Gentle Parenting and Its Core Principles?

The goals of gentle parenting are to raise children who understand and can regulate their emotions, respect and have empathy for themselves and others, and have healthy and collaborative relationships.

Harleen Kaur
What is Gentle Parenting and Its Core Principles?

What is Gentle Parenting and Its Core Principles?

What is Gentle Parenting?

Gentle parenting has gained significant popularity in recent years as a new positive parenting approach to raising children with empathy, respect, and understanding. This child-rearing philosophy focuses on fulfilling the emotional and physical needs of children while treating them with kindness and compassion. 

Gentle Parenting is based on the belief that children are individuals with their own unique thoughts and emotions, and they deserve love and respect. 

The goals of gentle parenting are to raise children who understand and can regulate their emotions, respect and have empathy for themselves and others, and have healthy and collaborative relationships. - explains Dan Peters, PhD, a psychologist, and host of the Parent Footprint podcast.

Core Principles and Basic Elements of Gentle Parenting

The Gentle Parenting Style is based on a few core principles and a few important elements such as follows:-

  • Understand Your Child and Show Empathy: Gentle parents focus on empathizing with their children's emotions and perspectives So that they can understand their feelings before offering solutions or guidance to them. This approach helps children feel heard and validated, and it fosters a strong sense of trust between parent and child.
nstead of getting impatient when your child throws a tantrum, it is essential to remain calm and composed, be near them, and offer comfort. 
Instead of getting impatient when your child throws a tantrum, Try  remaining calm and composed, and offering comfort. 


  • Enforce Positive Discipline with Positive Words: Rather than using punitive measures to control behavior, gentle parenting relies on positive reinforcement, active listening, and setting appropriate boundaries. Gentle Parents use positive words, and gentle phrases to deal with children's anger, tantrums, and temperament issues.
Rather than always say, “No,” or “Stop,” You redirect your child by telling them exactly what you want them to do,


  • Nurture Connections and Foster Bonds: Gentle parenting prioritizes building a nurturing and loving connection between parents and children.  Gentle Parenting values a strong, trusting relationship with the child, which helps in Child's emotional development and future relationships with others. In Gentle Parenting, the idea of “connection before correction,” is followed, it means that you need to give your child comfort and support before disciplining them.
Parenting Tips
Approaching your child with anger, screaming, and threatening them will create a very bad emotional experience for both of you

  • Mutual Respect: Mutual Respect forms a strong foundation for Gentle Parenting. Expecting children to respect adults and their parents and not receiving the same respect in return is unethical.  Parents should be mindful and aware of how they interact with their children and should engage them in a manner that is respectful and uplifting, rather than criticizing or dismissive.

When children are respected, they have a better chance of succeeding in life. When a child is shown respect, he or she understands what it means and how important it is. It’s nearly hard for youngsters to succeed if they don’t respect their classmates, authorities, or themselves.

  • Mindful and Open Communication: Gentle parents communicate openly and respectfully with their children. It directly affects their communication skills and also teaches children to express their emotions constructively and share their thoughts with their parents. 
gentle parent
Magic happens when your children feel seen, heard, and understood

Gentle Parenting Principles help Parents give an alternative and nurturing approach to raising children that has gained popularity for its emphasis on empathy, positive discipline, and nurturing connection.  As research continues to support its benefits, gentle parenting is likely to remain a popular choice for parents seeking a compassionate and effective way to raise their children. 

Recommended Reading: Best Parenting Techniques to become a Gentle Parent

Just remember though, Gentle Parenting isn’t built in a day. You’re not going to be a perfect parent after one day of Gentle Parenting strategies and your kids are not going to be perfectly behaved kids after one day of Gentle Parenting strategies. It is a long-term child-rearing approach that has to stay there always, in spite of any ups and downs in your parenthood and your child's childhood.




parenting tips Modern Parenting open communication parenting styles gentle parenting positive parenting important elemants tips to handle tantrums connection over correction