Best Parenting Techniques to become a Gentle Parent

Gentle parenting is based on the foundation that children deserve to be treated with kindness, compassion, and dignity. Let's find out Tips for Implementing a Successful Gentle Parenting Style

Harleen Kaur
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Parenting tips for new parent

Best and Gentle Parenting Techniques for new age children

Parenting is a journey filled with joy, challenges, and countless decisions. One approach that has gained significant attention and popularity in recent years is gentle parenting. It is a parenting philosophy that prioritizes empathy, respect, and understanding in the parent-child relationship. In this article, we will explore the principles and benefits of gentle parenting, highlighting its positive impact on both children and parents.

What is Gentle Parenting?

Gentle parenting is based on the foundation that children deserve to be treated with kindness, compassion, and dignity. It promotes building strong emotional connections between parents and children and developing open communication that helps in developing their overall well-being.

A lot of people mistake it for permissive parenting, but it still involves creating boundaries and setting rules for kids to follow. It just approaches how we handle both the creation of those rules and the consequences for breaking them.

Some of the Key Characteristics of Gentle Parenting are:

  • Respect and empathy: Gentle parenting involves respecting children as individuals with their own thoughts, feelings, and needs. It encourages parents to empathize with their children, seeking to understand their perspective and respond with sensitivity and patience.

  • Positive discipline: Instead of punitive measures, gentle parenting focuses on positive discipline techniques. This includes setting clear boundaries, using redirection and problem-solving strategies, and teaching valuable life skills. It aims to guide children's behavior in a loving and non-coercive manner

  • Emotional responsiveness: Gentle parents prioritize emotional responsiveness by validating and acknowledging their child's emotions. They create a safe and supportive environment where children feel comfortable expressing their feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment.

  • Open Communication and Strong Connection: Effective communication is vital in gentle parenting. It involves active listening, open dialogue, and effective problem-solving. Building a strong parent-child connection through quality time, playfulness, and shared experiences is also emphasized.

Benefits of Gentle Parenting

When we are gentle to our children, we model and help create the inner voice that will accompany them through their lives.

  • Gentle parenting style helps kids learn how to empathize.
  • Gentle parenting encourages positive behavior and self-regulation.
  • Gentle parenting prioritizes emotional intelligence by validating and guiding children through their emotions. This helps children develop self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication skills.
  • Children grow up feeling valued, capable, and confident, which contributes to their overall well-being.
  •  Gentle parenting teaches children effective problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills, empowering them to navigate challenges and build healthy relationships throughout their lives.

Best Parenting Techniques to Become a Gentle Parent

Parenting Tips

Stay calm and remain positive: Studies show that in order to promote changes in positive behavior, you have to praise your child four more times than you give negative feedback.

Empathy is a must: Your kids aren’t just little robots programmed to follow orders,  Put yourself in your kids’ shoes. Try to see situations from their perspective before reacting, we all have been through this in our childhood, it is not that tricky.

Educate yourself: Read books, attend workshops, and connect with other gentle parents to learn more about the principles and strategies of gentle parenting. Understanding child development and age-appropriate expectations can also be helpful.

 Set reasonable age-appropriate boundaries: Kids don’t develop abilities such as self-control (including emotional control) and sharing until around age 4. Don't expect your 2-year-old to stay calm in a noisy and crowdy place.

 Don’t be afraid to say “yes” sometimes:  It is perfectly fair if you agree with them even if you don't want to. If they want to relish their favorite dish on their holidays, let them decide what to eat, you can decide its portion size.

Raise your words, not your voice:  Think about it, how do you feel when someone screams at you? You can never make your child understand if you are raising your voice with them, our motive is not to terrorize them but make them understand what is wrong and right.

Treat your kids with respect and dignity: they are not robots, they are human just like us who sometimes do things that are nerve-wracking. I completely understand, how tough is to control, but try to control your temper and treat with dignity and respect their opinions.

Help them learn from their mistakes: I wish somebody would have told me that we learn every day, and we make mistakes every day, it is completely normal. Teach and help your children to learn from their mistakes instead of protecting them from any consequences or scolding them for their mistakes.

 Make connecting with your kids a priority: Gentle parenting is all about communicating with your kids, and you can’t really do that if you don’t take the time to truly connect with them. Make family time a priority. Take an interest in the things that they like. Spend vacations together, and eat dinner together as often as possible. Just be there with them in the moment every moment that you can.


parenting tips new parenting style gentle parenting best parenting techniques new-age children