Understanding the Growth Spurts of Your 1-Year-Old

Babies grow and change at an astounding pace, and every month brings new and exciting developments. You may encounter various development milestones within a time span of 12 months only, and also Growth Spurts.

Harleen Kaur
New Update
growth spurts

Understanding the Growth Spurts of Your 1-Year-Old

Your little bundle of joy is growing up so quickly and fast. From a helpless newborn to an active toddler, It takes just 12 short months for your baby to undergo this incredible transformation. Babies grow and change at an astounding pace, and every month brings new and exciting developments. You may encounter various development milestones within a time span of 12 months only, and also Growth Spurts.

Growth Spurts are periods of rapid growth that can bring about changes in appetite, sleep patterns, and behavior.

What are Growth Spurts?
Growth spurts are short periods when babies and toddlers experience a rapid increase in their physical growth and development. During these phases, their bodies undergo significant changes, such as gaining weight, growing taller, and developing new skills. While growth spurts can happen at any age, they are particularly common during the first year of life.

Signs and Symptoms of Growth Spurts:
During a growth spurt, you may notice certain changes in your 1-year-old's behavior and routine. Some common signs include increased appetite, more frequent feedings, changes in sleep patterns (such as shorter naps or disrupted nighttime sleep), increased clinginess or fussiness, and changes in bowel movements. Your child may also exhibit a burst of new skills, such as crawling, standing, or attempting their first steps.


When does your child experience Growth Spurts:
Growth spurts can happen several times during a baby's first year of life. During the early months, growth spurts are common for newborns around 1 to 3 weeks old and at 6 to 8 weeks. Then growth spurts usually space out to every few months, occurring around 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months The timing can vary from child to child, but they often occur at approximately 2-3 months, 6 months, and 9-12 months. It is important to note that your child's growth pattern may deviate slightly.

“If your baby reaches one milestone sooner, she may reach another one later, because she’s so busy perfecting the other skill,” says Jennifer Shu, MD, pediatrician and co-author of Heading Home with Your Newborn.

Major Timings of Growth Spurts:

2-3 Months:  Your baby goes through periods of increased hunger and fussiness through this period of fast growth (a growth spurt). If you breastfeed, you might find your baby wants to eat more often (sometimes every hour!) during certain times of the day.  Don't get irritated, you have to feed or nurse them more frequently during the growth spurt.

6 Months: At around 6 months, babies often experience another growth spurt. This growth spurt is typically accompanied by increased interest in solid foods as they begin to explore and expand their dietary options. Lots of cuddling and reassurance in the meantime will help to soothe her fussiness and crankiness along with increased hunger of course

9-12 Months: Between 9 and 12 months, many infants go through another growth spurt. During this time, they may experience a surge in physical development, such as crawling, pulling up, and even taking their first steps. Their appetite may increase once again as they require more energy to support their newfound mobility and cognitive development.

Some babies may have growth spurts slightly earlier or later than the mentioned milestones. Additionally, growth spurts can vary in intensity and duration from child to child.

What can you do during your baby's Growth Spurts?

Here are a few parenting tips, That you can follow during your infant's growth spurt.

What can you do during your baby's Growth Spurts

Feed them when they’re hungry. If your breastfed little one is normally happy to go three hours between feeds but suddenly seems hungry after only 2 hours (or less), go ahead and feed on demand. This will typically only last a few days and the extra feeds will ensure that your supply meets their needs. If your little one is using formula or pumped milk you may want to offer an extra ounce during daytime feeds or between meals if they still seem hungry.

Be Flexible with Sleep: Growth spurts can disrupt your baby's sleep patterns. They may experience shorter naps or wake up more frequently during the night. Be patient and understanding during these periods, offering comfort and reassurance as needed. Adjust your expectations and be flexible with your sleep routine until the growth spurt subsides.

Be Patient, Loving, and Try to Sooth them: Babies may be more fussy, clingy, or irritable during growth spurts. Provide extra comfort, cuddles, and soothing techniques such as gentle rocking or swaddling to help them feel secure. Respond promptly to their cues and offer reassurance during this time. When they are fussy you can try skin-to-skin, bathing, reading, singing, rocking, walking outside, or whatever your baby enjoys.

Take good care of yourself. Growth spurts can be demanding for both babies and parents. They can be hard on you, too.  Let others who love your baby help with care so you can get breaks. Make sure to prioritize self-care during this time. Get adequate rest, nourish yourself with nutritious meals, and seek support from loved ones or parenting communities when needed. Motherhood is tough but very special.

Dress them Comfortably: As your baby goes through growth spurts, their clothing may start to feel tight or restrictive. Dress them in loose-fitting, comfortable outfits to accommodate their changing body size. Opt for clothing made from soft, breathable fabrics that won't irritate their sensitive skin.

Monitor Developmental Milestones: Growth spurts are often accompanied by developmental leaps. Your baby may exhibit new skills, such as rolling, crawling, or babbling. Encourage and support their emerging abilities by providing a safe and stimulating environment for exploration.

Pay attention to their cues for hunger and offer nourishment as needed. Be prepared for possible changes in sleep patterns, as growth spurts can sometimes disrupt regular sleep routines. Most importantly, offer your child plenty of love, support, and opportunities for exploration as they navigate these exciting periods of growth and development.


self care parenting tips growth spurts newborn infant first year developmental milestone increased hunger fussiness