Parenting Tips - Embracing and Fostering Creativity Of Children

According to research, creative thinking can help our brains develop neural connections and learn new concepts. Additionally, creative activities can improve your child’s mood and well-being.10 Tips to Foster Creativity Learning in Children 

Harleen Kaur
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Fostering creative learning in children

According to recent research, creativity can improve your brain’s cognitive abilities. People with musical backgrounds, for example, tend to have stronger links between the two hemispheres in their brains. Plus, according to research, creative thinking can help our brains develop neural connections and learn new concepts. Additionally, creative activities can improve your child’s mood and well-being.

10 Tips to Foster Creativity Learning in Children 

Encourage Intuition and Spontaneity

When you encourage your child to rely on his intuition and spontaneity, his creativity can grow. Not everything has to be planned; encourage your child to act on his creative thoughts and actions spontaneously. If he feels like a superhero one minute, run around and save stuffed animals from burning buildings with him. If he is sad or scared about something, encourage him to draw or color to express his feelings at that moment.

Teach a child to ask “what if” questions.

In an article with Psychology Today, researcher Melissa Burkley recommends teaching children to ask, “What if?” to enhance their creativity. If you can get your children to ask questions about the world and how it works, they’re more likely to come up with their own unique answers.

what if

Encouraging your children to enjoy creative activities

You can encourage creative activity by giving your child free time to play and stepping back from your child’s play. Even boredom can encourage children to be creative. So can relaxation – for example, lying on the grass and watching the clouds change their shape.



  • Art and Craft
  • Illustrate and create a Story with made-up character names
  • Encourage play with open-ended toys like blocks, and lego.
  • Music and Dance activities, rhyming or making their own song.

Remove the Pressure from Performing

Your child's creativity isn't about performing for parents, teachers, or friends. It isn't about who came in first or last; who is better or worse. A child should be free in his creative thinking. By removing the pressure to perform, you allow creativity to flow in every direction. Your child shouldn't feel the need to always excel; she should feel at ease to express, create, and imagine.

Ask your child open-ended questions.

Asking your child questions can boost creativity as much as getting them to ask questions themselves. Asking open-ended questions—questions that require an answer longer than “yes” or “no”—can help children learn to form their own ideas and develop creative thinking.


  1. What was your favorite part of today?  Why?
  2. What magic power do you wish you had?  Why?
  3. If you could fly anywhere, where would it be?

Inspire Self-Reliance

Teach children to rely on themselves, and to be confident about their ideas. Don't let others influence their decision-making. Encourage children to stand up for what they think, feel, and believe. For example, if your child's friend tells her that she shouldn't color the sun purple; encourage your child to defend her choice of color.
stop pressurinsg 

 Spend time outside.

Recent studies have discovered that getting out in nature is not only good for mental health—it can improve creativity, too. It has been found that spending time outdoors can enhance curiosity, encourage flexible thinking, and help you recharge.

Next time the weather allows it, go on a walk around your neighborhood to refresh your child’s mind and give them a good brain boost.


Creating a Safe Space for Expression

Creative parents recognize the importance of providing a safe and non-judgmental space for their children to express themselves. They encourage open communication, active listening, and validation of their child's feelings and opinions. By creating an atmosphere of trust and respect, children feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, fears, and dreams, allowing for deeper connections and understanding within the family.

Respect Your Child's Needs

Value and encourage your child's imagination by giving her the resources for creative growth. These could include crayons and paper, art supplies, classes, imaginative play with parents, playdates with other children, and even story time.

 Read together.

Reading can boost your child’s imagination and problem-solving skills.  Make a goal to read a picture or chapter book together every day. Reading books as a family will provide an excellent opportunity to get your child to start talking, telling stories, and connecting with you more openly, fostering more confidence hence creativity.


Creative learning in kids encourages and nurtures their imagination, and ignites curiosity, and problem-solving abilities.. By embracing creative parenting strategies, we can tap into innovative approaches that foster a stronger bond with our children and promote their holistic development.


Also, Read Open-Ended Toys for Kids to unlock creativity


parenting tips CHILDREN open ended toys open-ended questions roleplay creativity creative learning fostering self reliance