Fit and Fabulous: Fitness Journey With Walking Lunges Workout

Walking lunges are a variation of the static lunge exercise. Instead of standing back upright after performing a lunge on one leg, as you would in a static bodyweight lunge, you “walk” forward by lunging out with the other leg. 

Harleen Kaur
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walking lunges

Walking Lunges Workout

Walking lunges are a dynamic lower-body exercise that engages multiple muscle groups while providing a functional movement pattern. Walking lunges are a variation of the static lunge exercise. Instead of standing back upright after performing a lunge on one leg, as you would in a static bodyweight lunge, you “walk” forward by lunging out with the other leg. 

Walking lunges work the following muscles:


Remember: The stronger your muscles, the better your knees will feel

If you’re new to fitness, you can start by doing 10 to 12 walking lunges at a time. If your goal is to lose weight or tone your body, try other lunge variations, too, such as jumping lunges or lunges with a bicep curl, lunge with a torso twist.

How Walking Lunges is Different From Stationary Lunges?

Both variations involve performing lunges while moving forward in a walking pattern. The key difference lies in the movement and progression of the exercise.

In a stationary lunge, you step forward with one leg, lower your body into a lunge position, push through the front heel to return to the starting position, and then repeat the movement with the other leg. This exercise is performed in place, without forward motion.

On the other hand, walking lunges involve taking continuous steps forward with each lunge. After stepping forward into a lunge position with one leg, you push through the front heel, bring the back leg forward, and repeat the movement with the opposite leg, creating a walking motion. This exercise allows you to cover distance while performing lunges, making it a more dynamic and challenging variation.

What makes Walking  Lunges Exercise Effective?

Lunges strengthen lower-body muscles: Walking lunges primarily target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles. The dynamic movement of lunging forward and stepping into the next lunge recruits these muscles, helping to build strength, stability, and endurance in the lower body.

Lunges improve your balance: You have to engage your core to stay steady on your feet as you lunge. A strong, stable core has been shown to improve lower-limb function and balance, which may prevent falls and other injuries.

Lunges increase your flexibility: Performing walking lunges helps improve flexibility and joint mobility, particularly in the hips and knees. This can be beneficial for individuals with sedentary lifestyles or those looking to counteract the effects of prolonged sitting.

Lunges improves Heart health:  Walking lunges elevate the heart rate, making them a cardiovascular exercise that boosts endurance. By incorporating walking lunges into your workout routine, you can enhance your cardiovascular fitness while also building strength and toning muscles.

Lunges are convenient and accessible: Lunges are an accessible way for people of all fitness levels to start strength training. You can perfect this equipment-free move and slowly advance to more challenging versions. And you can get started at home, in the gym, or even at work during your lunch break. 

Disadvantages and Considerations while Performing Walking lunges

Can be tough on your joints: Walking lunges involve repetitive forward stepping, which can put stress on the knees and joints, particularly if performed with incorrect form or excessively high impact. It's important to start with proper technique and gradually increase intensity and range of motion to avoid potential joint strain.

Cause Injury due to Imbalance: One of the biggest risks is injuring yourself from falling due to a loss of balance.Walking lunges require balance and coordination to perform correctly. Individuals who struggle with balance or have certain health conditions may need to modify the exercise or seek professional guidance to ensure safety and proper execution.

If you’re new to exercise, practice performing a static lunge first. Once you have the movement down, you can try walking lunges. Work with a certified personal trainer if you aren’t sure you are doing the movement correctly.

Walking lunges can be more challenging than regular lunges due to the additional forward movement. Individuals with some prior experience in lower-body exercises and a certain level of strength and stability are better suited to incorporate walking lunges into their routine. Be cautious, Stop If you feel pressure on your knees,poor posture while lunges can cause a muscle sprain.


walking lunges women health balance fit and fabulous weight management