Parenting Tips For Supporting Child With ADHD For Success
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental condition characterised by Behavior patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. This condition is brain-based and influences a child's ability to focus, control impulses, and regulate their energy levels.
It can be challenging for children with ADHD to focus and control their emotions, considering how young they are. These kids with childhood ADHD can have learning disabilities when their condition is not detected and treated early on.
Recommended Reading: Understanding ADHD in Children: Common Symptoms and Treatment
What Parents Can Do for ADHD?
Following holistic parenting approaches can support children with ADHD. It's crucial to recognize that ADHD is not a disability; children with ADHD can excel when provided with the right environment. It's important to remember that having ADHD does not indicate a child is less intelligent or incapable of success. In fact, many children with ADHD possess unique talents and creativity. And parenting doesn't cause ADHD.
Encourage Aerobic Exercise:
Research indicates that aerobic exercise can enhance executive functions, attention, and behavioural symptoms in individuals with ADHD. This is achieved by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine in the brain, leading to improved executive functions, self-control, and reduced impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Enrol your child for at least 30 minutes of physical activity like swimming, cycling, jogging, or games to help improve their hyperactivity.
Give Clear and Effective Instructions:
Parents should provide clear, concise instructions and break tasks into smaller, manageable steps, making it easier for children with ADHD to follow along.
Support Multi-Sensory Learning:
Incorporating various sensory experiences (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) into lessons can engage ADHD students and enhance their retention of information. Providing them with fidget tools can help improve focus by offering a productive outlet for excess energy or restlessness. Interactive and hands-on learning activities can be more engaging for children with ADHD compared to passive listening or reading.
Recommended Reading: 15 Stress-Free and Fidget Toys for Children
Allow Short, Frequent Breaks:
Permitting short breaks during lessons can help students with ADHD refocus their attention. These breaks can involve stretching, movement, or relaxation activities. Traditional classroom settings, where students are required to sit for extended periods, can be challenging for individuals with ADHD due to their need for movement and energy release.
Encourage Playful Learning:
Play should be considered a valuable learning tool, especially for younger children. Children with ADHD thrive in interactive and playful environments. They need activities that involve movement because their brains and energy levels thrive on play and motion. Their activities should be energy-driven and motion-oriented.
Stay Calm and Practise Positive Reinforcement:
Encouragement and praise for positive behaviours and accomplishments can be powerful motivators for children with ADHD.
Focus on Diet:
Research shows that diet can have a significant impact on ADHD symptoms. A diet rich in processed foods containing trans fats added sugar, preservatives, caffeine, and food colouring can lead to more ADHD symptoms. In contrast, a diet that includes fish, legumes, fruits, and vegetables has been associated with reduced ADHD symptoms. Therefore, it's advisable to limit the intake of processed foods.
Practise Mindfulness and Emotional Regulations:
Children with ADHD often experience feelings of inadequacy or may be labelled as ineffective. Despite ADHD not being a disorder but rather a different way of thinking and perceiving the world, mindfulness can help them focus on their strengths, and inner selves, and assist them in coping with stress and anxiety.
Recommended Reading: 15 Fun Mindfulness Activities To Nurture Young Children
Outdoor Play:
Outdoor play offers tremendous benefits for children of all ages. Nature has a unique ability to rejuvenate us, and we draw energy from it. Encouraging children to engage in outdoor activities like nature walks, outdoor sports, or even camping can help build their capacity to focus better in life. Spending time in natural settings can improve attention and reduce stress and anxiety levels, which are often experienced by individuals with ADHD.
Socialize More:
Isolation can be detrimental to any child's well-being, and it can be especially challenging for children with ADHD. Interacting with peers and adults helps children with ADHD develop and refine their social skills. They learn how to take turns, share, listen, and express themselves effectively. Group projects, discussions, and cooperative learning activities can be more engaging for children with ADHD, motivating them to participate and perform better.
Spend Quality Time with Children:
Parents should spend more quality time with their children. Research has shown that children spend more time with technology compared to their families, which can hinder effective communication between parents and children, increase generational differences, and impact a child's mental health. Therefore, it's essential for parents to prioritize spending meaningful, technology-free time with their children to strengthen family bonds and support their emotional well-being
Be patient, calm, and have realistic expectations for your child. Work on their emotional education skills that will help them in the future. Focus on their unique way of focusing and doing work attentively. Stop labelling your child and start appreciating their distinct wiring and their different interests.