Parenting Tips: Embracing Surrender as a New Mantra for a Happy life

Feeling stressed to match up with your time table?? Trying to cope up with multiple responsibilities after becoming a parent?? Surrendering is a new mantra to a happy life and positive motherhood for exhausted mothers.

Harleen Kaur
woman relaxing

Image credits - Find your mom tribe


Being a parent is undoubtedly one of the most challenging roles in life, and it's normal to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, especially if you have multiple children. As a parent, you're expected to perform various responsibilities, from caring for your children's basic needs to managing your household, looking after your partner and career. Despite the joys and blessings that come with parenting, it's natural to feel anxious about certain things, such as sleep and time management.

Accept things that you can not change.

Many parents, especially moms experience stress and anxiety when things don't go as planned. However, it's important to learn to let go and embrace the concept of surrender. Surrendering doesn't mean giving up control, but rather accepting the things that are out of your control and adapting to them.

Rather than fretting about every passing moment, consider giving yourself permission to enjoy the moment. Letting your children play for a few more minutes or postponing bedtime by 15 minutes can reduce your stress levels and foster a relaxed and optimistic atmosphere for both you and your kids. These small steps can go a long way in promoting positive well-being and will result in big releif.

Learn to let it go.

As a mom, I understand how challenging it can be to surrender, but it's a necessary and healthy practice. By learning to let go of our perfectionist tendencies and embracing the beauty of surrender, we can create a happier and more fulfilling life for ourselves and our families. So, the next time you feel like you're spiraling out of control, take a deep breath, and remember to surrender.

You will realise, how letting go of perfectionism can improve your family's life and mental health and you can enjoy your motherhood.

Take a deep breath, and remember to surrender.

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