How I Encourage My Toddler's Speech Development at Home?

Speech development in children doesn't always need formal or structured activities. Instead, it can be fostered with everyday moments like engaging with the child during daily routines, conversations, reading and narrating while playing.

Harleen Kaur

How I Encourage My Toddler's Speech Development at Home?

As a parent, witnessing the journey of your child's language development is nothing short of magical. It's in those first words and sentences that you always remember.

After reading articles online, talking to speech therapists and with my own teaching experience, I have found that speech development doesn't always demand formal lessons or structured activities. Instead, it thrives within the simple, everyday moments we share, that we call  "Responsive Interaction." This involves parents or caregivers engaging with the child during daily routines, conversations, and play responsively and encouragingly.

Activities I Do with My Toddler to Foster Speech Development through Responsive Interaction at Home

  • Reading Time: In our evening story sessions, my toddler and I explore magical lands within picture books. As I animate characters with my voice, I encourage her to narrate the story alongside me, building her confidence in storytelling. You can ask open-ended questions like "What do you think will happen next?" or encourage the child to describe the characters.

language development toddler

  • Mealtime Conversations:  The chatter around the dinner table isn't just about food; it's about connection. During meals, we discuss the flavours of food, the colours of her cutlery and food items, and their textures and even how our day went. This environment naturally encourages dialogue, allowing my toddler to express themselves freely.

language development toddler meal time

  • Outdoor Exploration: Nature walks or park visits are fantastic for expanding vocabulary. While exploring, I encourage my toddler to describe what they see, hear, or feel natural things like dry leaves, and sand, collect stones, and describe how they feel, is it hard, soft, cold, or hot, encouraging them to describe them with new words. You can also encourage the child to describe the animals they see around, the sizes of trees, or the weather.

language development toddler outdoor play

  • Pretend Play:  Pretend play opens doors to language development. It fuels creativity and language skills as we create scenarios and stories. During playtime, I describe actions like a car moving or the sound of its engine. These moments ignite imaginative conversations. We dive into storytelling, encouraging the child to describe their toy's actions or feelings. For instance, suggesting, "Let's tuck your bear in for a rest after a busy day.

pretend play language development toddler

  • Bedtime Routine: As the day winds down, we reflect. I discuss our day's events, ask about favourite moments, and share what we're looking forward to tomorrow. This unwinding time has become an avenue for my toddler to express their thoughts and feelings.

bed time routine language development toddler


  • Arts and Crafts: Colouring sessions have become more than just strokes on paper. Through arts and crafts, I talk about colors, and shapes, and ask my toddler to narrate stories about their drawings, encouraging creativity and verbal expression. You can talk about the colours, shapes, or the child's artwork. For example, Why your circle is round, why your doll has two eyes etc.

language development toddler


  • Daily RoutinesOur daily routines are a playground for language development. From dressing up to setting the dinner table, we chat about colours and objects. Cleaning up becomes a language lesson as we discuss materials, colours, and types of clothes while tidying. Setting the dinner table is a learning affair. As we prepare for meals, we discuss the different utensils and ingredients


language development toddler daily routines


gentle parenting tips Fun Activities for Kids(Toddlers) at Home activities for younger kids holistic development children happy and confident child parent guide speech and language