DECODED — Toys for 1 year Old

Worried to decide what to buy and what not for your 1 year toddler?? Other Moms sharing their ideas, experiences regarding investing in toys that can be used in multiple ways in longer run.

Harleen Kaur
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kids toys

Deciding what to buy and what not,  are you afraid to spend money on toys or things for your toddler that she might use for a month only…?? 

RELAX…!! MomsOPedia has a solution to it.

People say toys wont stay for long as your toddler will outgrow them very soon, they could be right but other moms' experience says different. I personally have been using the same toys for my daughter that I bought in her very first year. Toys continue to fascinate your child even when they have outgrown the playing age of the toy.

Let's take rattles for instance, once brought for augmenting hearing of your child, she will start sorting them by their colours, hide or shake them to grab your attention.

Here I suggest toys/things that you won't regret buying for your child.


  • FLASHCARDS-   You can start showing flashcards as soon as you want, and they will benefit you till your child has outgrown her pre school.I brought  high contrast white and cards when my child was just 2-3 months old to improve her vision, she still enjoys them and now identifies the images.


MOMS TIP - Play memory  games with those cards once they are aware of those flashcards and their vocabulary.

  • BALLS -  Ball is a toy or a thing with multiple uses that a child from 3 months till 3 years loves playing with. You will not  realise how HOLDING balls turns into THROW and CATCH then into GO AND GRAB and then finally to KICKING.

MOMS TIP -Buy balls of different colours and sizes. Play Go and Grab to teach crawling and colours simultaneously. Squishy toys are good to improve fine motor skills to improve pencil grip in later age.

  • STACKING TOYS -  We tend to start guiding our children to stack rings as soon as they turn 6 months old. But these stacking rings remain their favourite to play with their peers even though they outgrow the playing age. Adding time limit element to stacking toys, makes it more thrilling for them.


MOM TIP- Play stacking and knocking games with a third object to make it more interesting. you can put a timer to complete stacking to ignite the sportsmanship in your child.

  • NON BATTERY TOYS - I personally prefer non battery toys; that you can either play, slide, roll push to grab your little one’s attention when they are young. Don't worry these toys won't go in the store room once they become a toddler. 



MOM TIP -Buy toys that involve pressing, pushing, rotating a key etc to work on fine motor skills of your child. They become a useful toy for roleplaying.

  • MANUAL RIDE ONS–  !! CAUTION!!  - Battery operated rides will make your child happy but it will be short lived.  MANUAL RIDE ONS like cars, rockers, scooters that are not battery operated will help your child be more active plus you won't have to charge them  or replace batteries every week, ugh..!! Such a task..!! All parents would agree.


MOMS TIP- such ride ons can be used longer by incorporating them as props for roleplay sessions. 

One can act like a mechanic to fix his scooter, one can imitate a chauffeur for riding a car.

  •  TENT HOUSE-  What a brilliant idea of a person to make a tent house. So simple to assemble one yet fascinating always.I personally don't regret buying a tent house for my child, although you can make one on your own but being a busy parent, I bought one and my daughter is still using it.

MOM TIP -  Assemble it with your child, decorate it, clean it, teach hospitality, and much more can be done with a tent house. It opens up the door to the infinite imagination of your child.

  • POP IT TOYS- Such a tempting line of toys for every age group.. Everybody has it, everybody uses it these days. Either adult or a child use it.


MOM TIP - Use it as an educational toy later on to count,to learn to spell CVC words, improve eye hand coordination.

As per experiences of mothers of MothersOPedia you can invest money in above mentioned toys. You can use them in multiple ways, Just wear your imaginative cap on and explore new ideas. You never know when your child will start playing with her older toys that you brought her to play when she was less than 6 months old.

Love & Support Always.

invest toddlers educational Toys mothers