7 Tips to Become a Gentle Parent

Set reasonable age-appropriate boundaries: Don't expect your 2-year-old to stay calm in a noisy and crowdy place.

Don’t be afraid to say “yes” sometimes: t is perfectly fair if you agree with them even if you don't want to.

Raise your words, not your voice: our motive is not to terrorize them but make them understand what is wrong and right.

Treat your kids with respect and dignity: they are not robots, they are human just like us.

Help them learn from their mistakes: Teach them to learn from their mistakes instead of protecting them or scolding them for their mistakes.

Connect with your child: Gentle parenting is all about communicating with your kids, and you can’t really do that if you don’t take the time to truly connect with them.

Be positive and stay calm: Praise your child more than you give negative feedback. Neither you nor they are perfect.

Gentle Parenting isn’t built in a day. You’re not going to be a perfect parent after one day of Gentle Parenting strategies and your kids are not going to be perfectly behaved kids after one day of Gentle Parenting strategies.