10 Tips for Dealing with In-laws when Raising a Baby in a Joint Family

ASK FOR HELP, DONT FEEL SHY :- When raising a baby in a joint family, it is important to share responsibilities with in-laws and get help from them.

LET YOUR PARTNER LEADS THE DISCUSSIONS:- Make sure your partner leads discussions with your in-laws, to avoid any resentment

STAY FIRM ON WHAT YOU WANT:- Communicate your opinions Firmly on important things that affects your child

INVOLVE YOUR IN-LAWS IN DECISION MAKING:- It makes them feel worth and they will respect your rules you create for your children

BE CALM WHILE RESOLVING ISSUES:- Address conflicts respectfully and focus on finding solutions instead of placing blame

TAKE SIDE OF YOUR PARTNER:-You and your partner should be a united front when it comes to decisions regarding your child

DONT FIGHT ON EACH AND EVERY MATTER WITH THEM;- Pick your battles wisely and don

COMMUNICATE WITH THEM:- Share what bothers you and what should not be done.

PARENTS HAS THE VETO POWER:- Parents should consider inlaws advice, but their say would b the final.

START ACCEPTING DIFFERENCES:-Respect your in-laws opinions and differences in parenting styles and show some appreciation and love