10 Self-Care Practices for Moms

Hire a help if you can. Just do it without a second thought.

Wake up bit earlier and spend time for meditation and your body.

Schedule “me-time” everyday or on weekends. It would be non-negotiable.

Accept what you need, and try out things for yourself. Drop your child at home with family; or playzones or day care and explore things for yourselves.

Simplify your schedule and Learn to say "No" to unnecessary commitments.

Create connections with meaningful people, Search like-minded people.

Smile more, laugh more, live more and let go of mom guilt. You are the best mom of your child who is doing just fine.

Use micro-moments like commute time, tea time for your small task, like reading a book, check your social media feed.

Stay away from toxic people, or who give you guilt trip.

Plan your day or week, even if it is a meal or lunchbox planning. Plan it